Adorable Rescue Kitten Loves Her Doggy Mama! They Are TOO Cute!

Now, this is a match made in heaven.

Here we have another adorable proof that cats and dogs can co-exist and eventually become friends. This precious kitten is only four weeks old, but already is a good judge of character. He knows that the gentle giant wouldn’t do anything in the world to harm him. In fact, he fearlessly plays with the pooch, as if they were both the same size.

This video is such a pleasure to watch, but please stay tuned for when the kitten thinks it’s feeding time! Boy, is she hungry! Hurry up with that bottle, mom! 🙂

Adorable Saint Bernard Abby and her playful kitten are just too cute together!

Awww, this was so cute!

I just love the tiny kitten – giant doggo combination! Fortunately, we have some more such videos here at pawstories. Check out this gentle giant having fun with his tiny feline.
