This is a story about Frank, a laid back kitty who loves to lounge around on his favorite sofa and take cat naps all day long.
Credit: @leftofthenormal
If you asked him, life couldn’t be any better.
Credit: @leftofthenormal
At least, it was until Rosalina stepped on the scene.
Frank’s owner found a little stray kitten in their neighborhood, and he just couldn’t bare the though of leaving the poor defenseless creature all alone. So, he took her in.
However, Frank wasn’t too happy about the new addition to the family.
Credit: @leftofthenormal
But, after a few days, he kind of got used to having the little snuggle bug around.
Credit: @leftofthenormal
Now, they love to cuddle up together and relax after a long day of catting.
Credit: @leftofthenormal
Credit: @leftofthenormal