Cat Doesn’t Understand What Kittens Are For, But Then These Guys Show Up

Senior kitties take a special place in our hearts, and we have completely lost it over one cat in particular. His name is Mason and this is his story.

He is an old, battle-scarred feral cat with kidney disease. The kind people of ‘TinyKittens’ figured he deserved the best of life in his remaining days, so they decided to introduce him to a bunch of adorable kittens.

What happens next is the most amazing thing ever. At first, the cat is completely confused about the tiny fur balls, like he’s never seen feline babies before. But when they started to look for snuggles, he just had to put his guard down.

Watch this heart-warming video and try not to cry.

That was so touching.

I guess it’s the same with cats as it is with humans. When young ones enter your life, you can’t help but feel rejuvenated yourself.

Thank you guys for coming up with such an amazing idea! 🙂