Kitty Starts Meowing At The Shower, But When He Opens The Door?

Cats can have the funniest reactions to their humans taking a bath or a shower, but what this kitty does will surely make your jaw drop.

At first, the cat is sitting outside the shower, meowing, and that’s typical – it’s their way of letting us humans know that water is the enemy and showing that they DO care. But this kitty figures differently. Instead of launching a rescue mission, she does a very unusual thing.

Check out this amazing footage, and for the record, this is the cat’s daily routine.

Kitty Starts Meowing At The Shower, But When He Opens The Door?

Wow, this sweet Bengal kitty actually enjoys and get soaking wet! Well, I had to watch the video just to be fully convinced.

To be honest, this is not the first case of cats showing interest in water. Here is a whole bunch of cats and kittens who absolutely love taking a bath!
