Man Risks His Life To Save A Kitten

A motorcyclist jumped off his motorbike in the middle of a busy street and stopped traffic before scooping the frightened kitten off the road and saving it from certain death.

In a video that has now gone viral, a motorcyclist can be seen stopping his bike on the road after noticing a tiny kitten on the road. He parked his bike, and then the men can be seen running a distance and stopping a rush-hour traffic before picking the poor kitten up. Several cars went over the kitten, which was just weeks old, before it was saved.

Watch this heartwarming rescue captured on dashcam video from a car that was travelling on the Lion Rock Tunnel Road in Hong Kong.

The man’s action has momentarily made him a hero, but that’s not all. The same day, he posted on his Facebook, asking if anyone would be willing to take the kitten home.

And guess what? He even managed to find a family who would adopt the kitty.

If you’ve enjoyed this story, please share this amazing example of kindness and compassion, help spread the word. Not everyone would be willing to put their life at stake just to save a kitten, and we thank you, kind sir, from the bottom of our hearts.