You know how it is with cats and kittens, they love to hide and are naturally drawn to confined dark places. So, the next time your precious fur babies go missing, maybe this story will help you find them faster.
Meet Chanel, an adorable little kitten, as well as a hide and seek master, who almost made her family lose their minds while they were looking for her all around their home.
The kitten’s mom just stepped away for a minute to heat up her bottle, when all of a sudden, poof! She was gone and nowhere to be found!
The search lasted a full hour, and they were starting to think they lost their baby. But, then this happened.
“The only reason we even found her (she was sleeping in there) was because my grandpa went to get a tissue”, Chanel’s owner wrote on twitter.
We just spent a hour looking for her.
— Britney Diane (@Britneydortiz) April 29, 2017
Luckily, they found Chanel slumbering away in a box of tissues and it was such a cute sight to see.
If you have a soft spot for tiny kittens in even tinier boxes, don’t forget to share this story.