Dog Kicks a Dachshund out of the Bed: Just wait for the EVIL GRIN

How to kick an unwanted Dachshund out of the bed? It’s time to learn the skill from the big dog in the video!
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Dachshund out

The truth is, we animal lovers cannot kick our pets out of the bed. We just don’t have the heart to do it. On the other hand, I am quite sure that I’ve heard stories about people falling of the bed when the dog was stretching. So, what makes you think they would handle their own kind in any other way?

In this case, there is no messing around with the big dog, as he’s inclined to take his private space seriously. Consequently, no dog shall be allowed on the bed while the big one is sleeping. Ever. Never.

How to kick a Dachshund out of the bed?