This Tiny Kitten With Cleft Lip Is The Cutest Thing You’ll See Today! ADORABLE!

This is Piglet, a dinky white kitty with black-and-gray accents…. and a cleft lip. Obviously, she doesn’t look like your average kitten, but sure is one hell of a cutie.


When kittens have this defect, their little noses look a bit like a piggy’s nose. Because of her tiny snout, she was conveniently named Piglet.

The good thing is, it doesn’t affect her life in any other way (besides being extraordinarily adorable! In her case, the deformity is purely aesthetical, and she doesn’t need surgery.

Her little antics make everyone smile. 🙂

This is her celebrating her first birthday. Hasn’t she grown into a beautiful kitty?

If you’d like know more about this extraordinary kitty, feel free to check out her instagram account!