Adorable Foster Kittens Turn The House Into A Circus And It’s HILARIOUS!

The cutest show on earth!

Meet the adorable circus stars – Jack, Violet, Rita, Norm, Vincent, Penny and Kelly and Betty Boop! Their amazing acts and stunts are guaranteed to put a big smile on your face. Just watch them go! πŸ™‚

Foster kittens bring a circus into your house and life. But, don’t forget – that is the only type of circus with animals where the animals never get harmed. And it is super funny!

Kitten Circus

Omg, I love those little rascals.

If you’d like to have your own private circus, perhaps you should consider fostering. The best part of it is when the show starts, you get the best seats. πŸ˜‰

Needless to say, it would mean the world for the kittens.