Here Come Happy Dogs And A Cat In The Cutest Video You’ll See Today!

This is not something you get to see every day!

We love animals, and we love to see them happy! That’s why we’ve enjoyed this video of 12 dogs and a cat so much. It’s pure happiness all around. But the qustion is – where did they come from?

Robert Dollwet is a professional animal trainer for Malibu Dog Training. After a dog graduates his off-leash training course, he offers a “doggy outing services”. He picks up the dogs, takes them to the beach and lets them play together. Now, isn’t that awesome or what?

However, today the doggos had a special guest star – Didga the cat, aka “World Best Skateboarding Cat”. Fortunately, Robert recorded everything with a camera and made a wonderful video.

Check out the video below and get ready to smile.
