Dog Lover Rescued Newborn Kitten In The Rain And Said, “Best Decision I Ever Made”

Changing the world for the better!

When this self-declared dog lover heard tiny meows on a rainy night, he didn’t hesitate to go out and look for the one in need. Moments after he brought the kitten into the house, the tiny baby fell asleep in his arms. The man was smitten.

This is Bagheera.

In order to feed the little orphan, he picked up a kitten feeder kit complete with formula and bottle.

He kept the baby warm and was determined for the little guy to survive.

On the next day, he took Bagheera to the vet. They weighed the kitten, and found that he weighed less than an ounce. After receiving all the care that he needed, he opened up eyes.

The two became unseparable. After a few months of friendship the kitten grew into this handsome boy.

“I had no idea that bringing in an abandoned newborn out of the rain that night would lead this avowed dog person to own my very first pet, a cat no less. Best decision I ever made”, Bagheera’s owner Ray Vargas wrote on his Instagram account.

Here is a video of Bagheera’s first moments in his forever home.

What a heartwarming story! Please remember to share 🙂