These Ferocious Little Tigers Are Here To Show Us What Kittens Are Really Made Of

When these little rascals get a hold of something, they have no intention of letting it go.

Here is a compilation of cute little Scottish Fold kittens enjoying their playtime. They just seem to be thrilled by the toys they can bite on – straws, strings and most amazingly, even drapes. Sometimes they need human assistance, sometimes they manage on their own. Regardless, they are unbelievably cute. Even when they hiss! πŸ™‚

Now, watch this awesome video and enjoy the show!

These Ferocious Little Tigers Are Here To Show Us What Kittens Are Made Of


If you happen to be a fan of fesity kittens, here is another that won’t share his favorute toy! Geeez, I can’t believe how cute this baby is!