This Funky Feline Tries To Sneak Into Night Club Two Nights In A Row!

A cat was caught out by a bouncer after trying to sneak into a Scottish night club two nights in a row.

The kitty had her mind set on getting into the Nox before 11pm, but security manager Lewis Thompson was in her way. He tried to pick her up, but the party animal managed to escape into the night.

However, that little incident didn’t stop her from coming again the following night. Once again, she tried her luck in sneaking past security. But this time, mr Thompson was on high alert. The kindly bouncer caught her before she could get to the dance floor and took the cat into the office.

Mr Thomson told the Press and Journal: “People kept chasing her onto the road and trying to pick her up. She tried to sneak into Nox a few times, and almost made it into the club at 1.30am when we were full.

“She wasn’t acting like a cat that had been outside before. Some girl picked her up, and another woman tried to feed her chips, so I took her and put her in the office.

“I took her home and fed her, as she’d obviously not eaten properly for ages.”

Mr Thompson was almost certain the cat was a male, but a trip to the vets proved just the opposite. It was established that the cat was a female. Further more, they checked her microchip and it said she belonged to a little girl who had not seen her kitty for around 10 days.

What else was Mr Thomson to do but to take the cat – named Sunshine – back to her rightful owners. He added: “I’m just happy that she’s managed to find her way home.”