You Won’t Believe The Stuff This Kitty Can Balance On Its Paws! OMG!

This is crazy! ๐Ÿ˜€

What scares me the most about this video, is that the cat is so much better at balancing than me. How can this be?

There is no doubt that the kitty in the video has perfected the art of balancing with a little help from its human. But, the sweet fur baby is responsible for the harder part of the stunt โ€“ heavy sleeping, and keeping every muscle completely still. It may look easy, but itโ€™s not. Feel free to try ๐Ÿ™‚

IMHO, it is quite impressive what the kitty can hold on his paws.

You Wonโ€™t Believe The Stuff This Kitty Can Balance While Sleeping!

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