Owner Films The Moment Her 6-Week-Old Foster Puppies Meet Her Very Patient Cat

Bringing a new pet home is a major event for the entire family, especially for the resident cat. Kitties are known to be quite unpredictable and let’s say, by the book, they don’t get along with dogs too well. But, this one is not your average feine!

When the owner brought home a couple of 6-weeks-old puppies, adorably named Storm and Shadow, they stormed in to meet their new family member – a cat called Finn. Some animosity between the members of this cat – puppy gang would be commonly expected, but somehow Finn accepted the role of an older brother right from the start. He was so patient with the pups while they were trying to play with him and kiss him.

Here is the proof! 🙂

I just can’t believe how awesome this kitty is.

Handling playful pups can be a little bit overwhelming, but Finn handled the situation like a pro.

Good job, kitty cat!