Watch How This Fluffy Kitty Reacts When Her Human Pets Her

Those are some weird reflexes, kitty cat! ๐Ÿ™‚

Perhaps you guessed what we are talking about, but in case you didnโ€™t, please let us explain. You know how dogs have a specific reaction when you scratch them? When they start scratching themselves with a back legโ€ฆ Sometimes, the trigger can be different. Remember when Thumper got a kiss from his lady bunny and started thumping his leg.

Reflexes โ€“ those are the reactions we cannot control, that happen automatically. Itโ€™s just how nature wanted living creatures to be. We cannot fight it. Well, this furry kitty has the most amazing reaction when her human scratches her. Just wait to see what it is :), I promise it is quite adorable ๐Ÿ™‚

Get ready to be amazed by this catโ€™s strange reaction

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