It’s just a feather… Think about it! 🙂
I believe you’ve already met this kitty, but in case you haven’t, we’d like to introduce you to Timo the cat. We’ve already featured one of his many videos, but this time
we just couldn’t help but share this footage, that shows his great fascination with a grey feather.
Gorgeous kitty having a good time, what more can a cat lover ask for! 🙂 Enjoy!
Now get ready to watch Timo’s shenanigans, they will put huge smile on your face.
Wow, I’ve really enoyed watching this video. Isn’t it truly amazing how the furry guy can’t stop playing with it! He keeps sneaking up and attacking the feather, as if it was the best toy on the world.
So, dear cat ladies, if your fur ball is feeling bored, just try to tease them a little with a feather. 🙂
I hope it works.